
Shunsuke Mori

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2EEKazushi Ikeda, Shunsuke Mori, Yuya Ota, Takaaki Umedu, Akihito Hiromori, Hirozumi Yamaguchi, Teruo Higashino: D-Sense: An Integrated Environment for Algorithm Design and Protocol Implementation in Wireless Sensor Networks. MMNS 2008: 20-32
1EEKiyoshi Dowaki, Kouichiro Yoshiya, Shunsuke Mori: An Emission Analysis on Toxic Substances (SPM and NOx) from Transportation Network System in Tokyo of Japan. OR 2005: 571-576

Coauthor Index

1Kiyoshi Dowaki [1]
2Teruo Higashino [2]
3Akihito Hiromori [2]
4Kazushi Ikeda [2]
5Yuya Ota [2]
6Takaaki Umedu [2]
7Hirozumi Yamaguchi [2]
8Kouichiro Yoshiya [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)