
David Moratal

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3EELei Hou Hamilton, Javier Acebron Fabregat, David Moratal, Senthil Ramamurthy, Marijn E. Brummer: Time-resolved parallel imaging with a reduced dynamic field of view. ISBI 2008: 1023-1026
2EEJosé Joaquín Rieta, Fernando Hornero, César Sánchez, Carlos Vayá, David Moratal, Juan Manuel Sanchis: Derivation of Atrial Surface Reentries Applying ICA to the Standard Electrocardiogram of Patients in Postoperative Atrial Fibrillation. ICA 2006: 478-485
1EECarlos Vayá, José Joaquín Rieta, César Sánchez, David Moratal: Performance Study of Convolutive BSS Algorithms Applied to the Electrocardiogram of Atrial Fibrillation. ICA 2006: 495-502

Coauthor Index

1Marijn E. Brummer [3]
2Javier Acebron Fabregat [3]
3Lei Hou Hamilton [3]
4Fernando Hornero [2]
5Senthil Ramamurthy [3]
6José Joaquín Rieta [1] [2]
7César Sánchez [1] [2]
8Juan Manuel Sanchis [2]
9Carlos Vayá [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)