
Jorge Moraleda

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4EEJorge Moraleda: Gregory Shakhnarovich, Trevor Darrell and Piotr Indyk: Nearest-Neighbors Methods in Learning and Vision. Theory and Practice. Pattern Anal. Appl. 11(2): 221-222 (2008)
3EEJonathan J. Hull, Berna Erol, Jamey Graham, Qifa Ke, Hidenobu Kishi, Jorge Moraleda, Daniel G. Van Olst: Paper-Based Augmented Reality. ICAT 2007: 205-209
2EEAndrew Lookingbill, Emilio R. Antúnez, Berna Erol, Jonathan J. Hull, Qifa Ke, Jorge Moraleda: Ground-Truthed Video Generation from Symbolic Information. ICME 2007: 1411-1414
1EEJorge Moraleda, Teresa Miller: AD+Tree: A Compact Adaptation of Dynamic AD-Trees for Efficient Machine Learning on Large Data Sets. IDEAL 2003: 313-320

Coauthor Index

1Emilio R. Antúnez [2]
2Berna Erol [2] [3]
3Jamey Graham [3]
4Jonathan J. Hull [2] [3]
5Qifa Ke [2] [3]
6Hidenobu Kishi [3]
7Andrew Lookingbill [2]
8Teresa Miller [1]
9Daniel G. Van Olst [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)