
Carleton A. Moore

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4EEPhilip M. Johnson, Hongbing Kou, Joy Agustin, Christopher Chan, Carleton A. Moore, Jitender Miglani, Shenyan Zhen, William E. J. Doane: Beyond the Personal Software Process: Metrics collection and analysis for the differently disciplined. ICSE 2003: 641-646
3EEPhilip M. Johnson, Carleton A. Moore, Joseph A. Dane, Robert S. Brewer: Empirically Guided Software Effort Guesstimation. IEEE Software 17(6): (2000)
2EECarleton A. Moore: Project LEAP: Personal Process Improvement for the Differently Disciplined. ICSE 1999: 726-727
1EEPhilip M. Johnson, Carleton A. Moore: Investigating strong collaboration with the Annotated Egret Navigator. WETICE 1995: 180-188

Coauthor Index

1Joy Agustin [4]
2Robert S. Brewer [3]
3Christopher Chan [4]
4Joseph A. Dane [3]
5William E. J. Doane [4]
6Philip M. Johnson [1] [3] [4]
7Hongbing Kou [4]
8Jitender Miglani [4]
9Shenyan Zhen [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)