2009 |
49 | EE | Andrea E. F. Clementi,
Angelo Monti,
Francesco Pasquale,
Riccardo Silvestri:
Broadcasting in dynamic radio networks.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 75(4): 213-230 (2009) |
2008 |
48 | EE | Tiziana Calamoneri,
Andrea E. F. Clementi,
Angelo Monti,
Gianluca Rossi,
Riccardo Silvestri:
Minimum-energy broadcast in random-grid ad-hoc networks: approximation and distributed algorithms.
MSWiM 2008: 354-361 |
47 | EE | Andrea E. F. Clementi,
Claudio Macci,
Angelo Monti,
Francesco Pasquale,
Riccardo Silvestri:
Flooding time in edge-Markovian dynamic graphs.
PODC 2008: 213-222 |
46 | EE | Tiziana Calamoneri,
Andrea E. F. Clementi,
Angelo Monti,
Gianluca Rossi,
Riccardo Silvestri:
Minimum-energy broadcast in random-grid ad-hoc networks: approximation and distributed algorithms
CoRR abs/0804.3902: (2008) |
45 | EE | Tiziana Calamoneri,
Andrea E. F. Clementi,
Miriam Di Ianni,
Massimo Lauria,
Angelo Monti,
Riccardo Silvestri:
Minimum-Energy Broadcast and disk cover in grid wireless networks.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 399(1-2): 38-53 (2008) |
2007 |
44 | EE | Emanuele G. Fusco,
Angelo Monti:
Spanning Trees with Many Leaves in Regular Bipartite Graphs.
ISAAC 2007: 904-914 |
43 | EE | Andrea E. F. Clementi,
Angelo Monti,
Francesco Pasquale,
Riccardo Silvestri:
Optimal Gossiping in Directed Geometric Radio Networks in Presence of Dynamical Faults.
MFCS 2007: 430-441 |
42 | EE | Andrea E. F. Clementi,
Francesco Pasquale,
Angelo Monti,
Riccardo Silvestri:
Communication in dynamic radio networks.
PODC 2007: 205-214 |
41 | EE | Angelo Monti,
Paolo Penna,
Riccardo Silvestri:
An Equivalent Version of the Caccetta-Häggkvist Conjecture in an Online Load Balancing Problem.
WG 2007: 154-165 |
40 | | Andrea E. F. Clementi,
Miriam Di Ianni,
Massimo Lauria,
Angelo Monti,
Gianluca Rossi,
Riccardo Silvestri:
On the bounded-hop MST problem on random Euclidean instances.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 384(2-3): 161-167 (2007) |
2006 |
39 | EE | Andrea E. F. Clementi,
Miriam Di Ianni,
Massimo Lauria,
Angelo Monti,
Gianluca Rossi,
Riccardo Silvestri:
A Distributed Protocol for the Bounded-Hops Converge-Cast in Ad-Hoc Networks.
ADHOC-NOW 2006: 60-72 |
38 | EE | Tiziana Calamoneri,
Andrea E. F. Clementi,
Miriam Di Ianni,
Massimo Lauria,
Angelo Monti,
Riccardo Silvestri:
Minimum Energy Broadcast and Disk Cover in Grid Wireless Networks.
SIROCCO 2006: 227-239 |
2005 |
37 | EE | Andrea E. F. Clementi,
Miriam Di Ianni,
Angelo Monti,
Gianluca Rossi,
Riccardo Silvestri:
Experimental Analysis of Practically Efficient Algorithms for Bounded-Hop Accumulation in Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks.
IPDPS 2005 |
36 | EE | Andrea E. F. Clementi,
Miriam Di Ianni,
Angelo Monti,
Massimo Lauria,
Gianluca Rossi,
Riccardo Silvestri:
Divide and Conquer Is Almost Optimal for the Bounded-Hop MST Problem on Random Euclidean Instances.
SIROCCO 2005: 89-98 |
2004 |
35 | EE | Christoph Ambühl,
Andrea E. F. Clementi,
Miriam Di Ianni,
Gianluca Rossi,
Angelo Monti,
Riccardo Silvestri:
The Range Assignment Problem in Non-Homogeneous Static Ad-Hoc Networks.
IPDPS 2004 |
34 | EE | Christoph Ambühl,
Andrea E. F. Clementi,
Miriam Di Ianni,
Nissan Lev-Tov,
Angelo Monti,
David Peleg,
Gianluca Rossi,
Riccardo Silvestri:
Efficient Algorithms for Low-Energy Bounded-Hop Broadcast in Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks.
STACS 2004: 418-427 |
33 | EE | Andrea E. F. Clementi,
Angelo Monti,
Riccardo Silvestri:
Round Robin is optimal for fault-tolerant broadcasting on wireless networks.
J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 64(1): 89-96 (2004) |
2003 |
32 | EE | Andrea E. F. Clementi,
Angelo Monti,
Riccardo Silvestri:
Distributed broadcast in radio networks of unknown topology.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 302(1-3): 337-364 (2003) |
2002 |
31 | EE | Andrea E. F. Clementi,
Angelo Monti,
Riccardo Silvestri:
Optimal F-Reliable Protocols for the Do-All Problem on Single-Hop Wireless Networks.
ISAAC 2002: 320-331 |
30 | EE | János Körner,
Angelo Monti:
Delta-Systems and Qualitative (In)Dependence.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 99(1): 75-84 (2002) |
2001 |
29 | EE | Andrea E. F. Clementi,
Angelo Monti,
Riccardo Silvestri:
Round Robin Is Optimal for Fault-Tolerant Broadcasting on Wireless Networks.
ESA 2001: 452-463 |
28 | EE | Andrea E. F. Clementi,
Angelo Monti,
Riccardo Silvestri:
Distributed multi-broadcast in unknown radio networks.
PODC 2001: 255-264 |
27 | EE | Andrea E. F. Clementi,
Pierluigi Crescenzi,
Angelo Monti,
Paolo Penna,
Riccardo Silvestri:
On Computing Ad-hoc Selective Families.
RANDOM-APPROX 2001: 211-222 |
26 | EE | Andrea E. F. Clementi,
Angelo Monti,
Riccardo Silvestri:
Selective families, superimposed codes, and broadcasting on unknown radio networks.
SODA 2001: 709-718 |
25 | EE | Angelo Monti,
Adriano Peron:
Logical definability of Y-tree and trellis systolic omega-languages.
Acta Cybern. 15(1): 75-100 (2001) |
24 | EE | Andrea E. F. Clementi,
Angelo Monti,
Riccardo Silvestri:
Distributed Broadcast in Wireless Networks with Unknown Topology
CoRR cs.DS/0107011: (2001) |
23 | EE | János Körner,
Angelo Monti:
Delta-systems and qualitative (in)dependence.
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 10: 160-163 (2001) |
22 | EE | Emanuela Fachini,
János Körner,
Angelo Monti:
A Better Bound for Locally Thin Set Families.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 95(2): 209-218 (2001) |
21 | EE | János Körner,
Angelo Monti:
Compact Representations of the Intersection Structure of Families of Finite Sets.
SIAM J. Discrete Math. 14(2): 181-192 (2001) |
2000 |
20 | | Noga Alon,
János Körner,
Angelo Monti:
String Quartets In Binary.
Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 9(5): (2000) |
19 | EE | Angelo Monti,
Adriano Peron:
Systolic tree omega-Languages: the operational and the logical view.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 233(1-2): 1-18 (2000) |
1999 |
18 | EE | Vincenzo Auletta,
Angelo Monti,
Mimmo Parente,
Pino Persiano:
A Linear-Time Algorithm for the Feasibility of Pebble Motion on Trees.
Algorithmica 23(3): 223-245 (1999) |
1998 |
17 | | Angelo Monti,
Adriano Peron:
A Logical Characterization of Systolic Languages.
STACS 1998: 466-476 |
16 | EE | Roberto De Prisco,
Angelo Monti,
Linda Pagli:
Testing and Reconfiguration of VLSI Linear Arrays.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 197(1-2): 171-188 (1998) |
1997 |
15 | | Emanuela Fachini,
Angelo Monti:
Chomsky Hierarchy and Systolic Y-Tree Automata.
Fundam. Inform. 29(4): 325-339 (1997) |
14 | EE | Jozef Gruska,
Angelo Monti,
Margherita Napoli,
Domenico Parente:
Succinctness of Descriptions of SBTA-Languages.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 179(1-2): 251-271 (1997) |
1996 |
13 | | Vincenzo Auletta,
Angelo Monti,
Domenico Parente,
Giuseppe Persiano:
A Linear Time Algorithm for the Feasibility of Pebble Motion on Trees.
SWAT 1996: 259-270 |
12 | EE | Angelo Monti,
Alessandro Roncato:
A Gap Theorem for the Anonymous Torus.
Inf. Process. Lett. 57(5): 279-285 (1996) |
11 | EE | Angelo Monti:
On the Computational Complexity of Graph Closures.
Inf. Process. Lett. 57(6): 291-295 (1996) |
1995 |
10 | | Jozef Gruska,
Angelo Monti,
Margherita Napoli,
Domenico Parente:
State Complexity of SBTA Languages.
LATIN 1995: 346-357 |
9 | | Angelo Monti,
Adriano Peron:
Systolic Tree Omega-Languages.
STACS 1995: 131-142 |
8 | EE | Angelo Monti,
Alessandro Roncato:
Completeness Results Concerning Systolic Tree Automata and EOL Languages.
Inf. Process. Lett. 53(1): 11-16 (1995) |
1994 |
7 | | Angelo Monti,
Alessandro Roncato:
On the Complexity of Some Reachability Problems.
CIAC 1994: 192-202 |
6 | | Paolo Ferragina,
Angelo Monti,
Alessandro Roncato:
Trade-off Between Computational Power and Common Knowledge in Anonymous Rings.
SIROCCO 1994: 35-48 |
5 | | Emanuela Fachini,
Angelo Monti:
A Kleene-like Characterization of Languages Accepted by Systolic Tree Automata.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 49(1): 133-147 (1994) |
1993 |
4 | | Roberto De Prisco,
Angelo Monti:
On Reconfigurability of VLSI Linear Arrays.
WADS 1993: 553-564 |
1992 |
3 | | Emanuela Fachini,
Angelo Monti,
Margherita Napoli,
Domenico Parente:
Languages Accepted by Systolic Y-Tree Automata: Structural Characterizations.
Acta Inf. 29(8): 761-778 (1992) |
1991 |
2 | | Emanuela Fachini,
Angelo Monti,
Margherita Napoli,
Domenico Parente:
Systolic Y-Tree Automata: Closure Properties and Decision Problems.
FCT 1991: 210-219 |
1 | | Angelo Monti,
Domenico Parente:
Systolic Tree with Base Automata.
Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 2(3): 221-236 (1991) |