
José Antonio Montero

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6EELluís Vicent, Guillem Bou, Xavier Avila, Jordi Riera, José Antonio Montero, Jaume Anguera: Which are the best e-learning tools for an Engineering Degree in the European Higher Education Area? ICALT 2007: 882-886
5EEJosé Antonio Montero, Francesc Alías, Carles Garriga, Lluís Vicent, Ignasi Iriondo Sanz: Assessing Students' Teamwork Performance by Means of Fuzzy Logic. IWANN 2007: 383-390
4EEJosé Antonio Montero, Luis Enrique Sucar: Context-Based Gesture Recognition. CIARP 2006: 764-773
3EEJosé Antonio Montero, Luis Enrique Sucar: A Decision-Theoretic Video Conference System Based on Gesture Recognition. FG 2006: 387-392
2EEJosé Antonio Montero, Rosa Maria Alsina, Jose Antonio Morán, Mariona Cid: Fuzzy Logic System for Students' Evaluation. IWANN 2005: 1246-1253
1EEJosé Antonio Montero, Luis Enrique Sucar: Feature Selection for Visual Gesture Recognition Using Hidden Markov Models. ENC 2004: 196-203

Coauthor Index

1Francesc Alías [5]
2Rosa Maria Alsina [2]
3Jaume Anguera [6]
4Xavier Avila [6]
5Guillem Bou [6]
6Mariona Cid [2]
7Carles Garriga [5]
8Jose Antonio Morán [2]
9Jordi Riera [6]
10Ignasi Iriondo Sanz [5]
11Luis Enrique Sucar [1] [3] [4]
12Lluís Vicent [5] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)