
Paulo Monteiro

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9EELúcia Martins, Catarina Francisco, João Redol, José M. F. Craveirinha, João C. N. Clímaco, Paulo Monteiro: Evaluation of a Multiobjective Alternative Routing Method in Carrier IP/MPLS Networks. Networking 2009: 195-206
8EEJoão Pedro, Paulo Monteiro, João Pires: Performance Study of OBS Networks Using Traffic Engineering in the Wavelength Domain and Delayed Ingress Burst Scheduling. GLOBECOM 2008: 2777-2782
7EEJoão Pedro, Paulo Monteiro, João Pires: Efficient optical burst-switched networks using only fiber delay line buffers for contention resolution. BROADNETS 2007: 2-11
6EEJoão Pedro, Paulo Monteiro, João Pires: Minimizing the Number of Wavelength Converters in Optical Burst-Switched Networks. ICC 2007: 2371-2376
5EEJoão Pedro, Paulo Monteiro, João Pires: Improving the Performance of Optical Burst-Switched Networks with Limited-Range Wavelength Conversion through Traffic Engineering in the Wavelength Domain. ICOIN 2007: 21-30
4EEJoão Pedro, Paulo Monteiro, João Pires: Towards Efficient Optical Burst-Switched Networks without All-Optical Wavelength Converters. ONDM 2007: 348-357
3EEJoão Pedro, Paulo Monteiro, João Pires: Wavelength Contention Minimization Strategies for Optical Burst-Switched Networks. GLOBECOM 2006
2EEPaulo S. André, António L. J. Teixeira, Paulo Monteiro, Mário J. N. Lima, Rogério N. Nogueira, José F. da Rocha, João L. Pinto: Dispersion compensation in IP-over-DWDM networks employing combined modulation formats. J. High Speed Networks 14(4): 283-292 (2005)
1EEAntónio L. J. Teixeira, Paulo S. André, Rogério N. Nogueira, Paulo Monteiro, José F. da Rocha: All-Optical Routing Limitations Due to Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers Dynamics. ICT 2004: 766-771

Coauthor Index

1Paulo S. André [1] [2]
2João C. N. Clímaco [9]
3José M. F. Craveirinha [9]
4Catarina Francisco [9]
5Mário J. N. Lima [2]
6Lúcia Martins [9]
7Rogério N. Nogueira [1] [2]
8João Pedro [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
9João L. Pinto [2]
10João Pires [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
11João Redol [9]
12José F. da Rocha [1] [2]
13António L. J. Teixeira [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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