
L. Bacchelli Montefusco

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3 L. Bacchelli Montefusco, C. Guerrini: A Domain Decomposition Method for Scattered Data Approximation on a Distributed Memory Multiprocessor. EDMCC 1991: 274-282
2 L. Bacchelli Montefusco, C. Guerrini: A domain decomposition method for scattered data approximation on a distributed memory multiprocessor. Parallel Computing 17(2-3): 253-263 (1991)
1EEL. Bacchelli Montefusco: An interactive procedure for shape preserving cubic spline interpolation. Computers & Graphics 11(4): 389-392 (1987)

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1C. Guerrini [2] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)