2009 |
7 | EE | Alberto Messina,
Maurizio Montagnuolo:
A generalised cross-modal clustering method applied to multimedia news semantic indexing and retrieval.
WWW 2009: 321-330 |
2008 |
6 | EE | Maurizio Montagnuolo,
Alberto Messina:
Multimodal Genre Analysis Applied to Digital Television Archives.
DEXA Workshops 2008: 130-134 |
5 | EE | Alberto Messina,
Maurizio Montagnuolo:
Content-based RSS and broadcast news streams aggregation and retrieval.
ICDIM 2008: 93-98 |
4 | EE | Alberto Messina,
Maurizio Montagnuolo:
Fuzzy mining of multimedia genre applied to television archives.
ICME 2008: 117-120 |
2007 |
3 | EE | Maurizio Montagnuolo,
Alberto Messina:
TV Genre Classification Using Multimodal Information and Multilayer Perceptrons.
AI*IA 2007: 730-741 |
2 | EE | Maurizio Montagnuolo,
Alberto Messina:
Automatic Genre Classification of TV Programmes Using Gaussian Mixture Models and Neural Networks.
DEXA Workshops 2007: 99-103 |
2006 |
1 | EE | Alberto Messina,
Maurizio Montagnuolo,
Maria Luisa Sapino:
Characterizing Multimedia Objects through Multimodal Content Analysis and Fuzzy Fingerprints.
SITIS 2006: 22-33 |