
E. Montagne

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3 E. Montagne, M. Rukoz, Rina Suros, F. Breant: Modeling Optimal Granularity when Adapting Systolic Algorithms to Transputer Based Supercomputers. Parallel Computing 20(5): 807-814 (1994)
2 Rina Suros, E. Montagne: Fitted Diagonals for Reducing I/O Bandwidth in Systolic Systems. Inf. Process. Lett. 25(5): 335-342 (1987)
1EERina Suros, E. Montagne: Optimizing systolic networks by fitting diagonals. Parallel Computing 4(2): 167-174 (1987)

Coauthor Index

1F. Breant [3]
2M. Rukoz [3]
3Rina Suros [1] [2] [3]

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