
Nicola Mongelli

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2EEFabrizio Manetti, Federico Corelli, Nicola Mongelli, Andrea Lombardi Borgia, Maurizio Botta: Research on anti-HIV-1 agents. Investigation on the CD4-Suradista binding mode through docking experiments. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 14(4): 355-368 (2000)
1 Massimo Broggini, Helen M. Coley, Nicola Mongelli, Enrico Pesenti, Michael D. Wyatt, John A. Hartley, Maurizio D'Incalci: DNA sequence-specific adenine alkylation by the novel antitumor drug tallimustine (FCE 24517), a benzoyl nitrogen mustard derivative of distamycin. Nucleic Acids Research 23(1): 81-87 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Andrea Lombardi Borgia [2]
2Maurizio Botta [2]
3Massimo Broggini [1]
4Helen M. Coley [1]
5Federico Corelli [2]
6Maurizio D'Incalci [1]
7John A. Hartley [1]
8Fabrizio Manetti [2]
9Enrico Pesenti [1]
10Michael D. Wyatt [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)