
Franco Molteni

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4 Simona Ferrante, Lorenzo Comolli, Alessandra Pedrocchi, Marco Bocciolone, Giancarlo Ferrigno, Franco Molteni: Optimization of a FES Cycling Neuroprosthesis on Stroke Patients by Means of the Left and Right Crank Measurements. BIODEVICES (1) 2008: 206-211
3 Giuseppe Bucca, Alberto Bezzolato, Stefano Bruni, Franco Molteni: A Mechatronic Device for the Rehabilitation of Ankle Motion. BIODEVICES (1) 2008: 56-63
2 Marco Bocciolone, Lorenzo Comolli, Franco Molteni: Metrological Charactetization of a Cycle Ergometer. BIODEVICES (2) 2008: 23-28
1 Marco Bocciolone, Massimiliano Lurati, Marcello Vanali, Franco Molteni: Force Measurement During Gait Therapy - The Case of Lokomat. BIODEVICES (2) 2008: 35-40

Coauthor Index

1Alberto Bezzolato [3]
2Marco Bocciolone [1] [2] [4]
3Stefano Bruni [3]
4Giuseppe Bucca [3]
5Lorenzo Comolli [2] [4]
6Simona Ferrante [4]
7Giancarlo Ferrigno [4]
8Massimiliano Lurati [1]
9Alessandra Pedrocchi [4]
10Marcello Vanali [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)