1973 |
5 | | I. N. Molchanov,
M. F. Iakovlev:
On One Class of Iterative Methods for Obtaining the Generalized Solution of Non-Consistent Systems of Linear Algebraic Equations.
Inf. Process. Lett. 2(3): 86-90 (1973) |
4 | | I. N. Molchanov,
E. F. Galba:
On the Convergence of Difference Schemes Approximating a Plane Static Problem of the Theory of Elasticity with Mixed Boundary Conditions.
Inf. Process. Lett. 2(4): 118- (1973) |
3 | | H. Heuer,
I. N. Molchanov:
Numerical Solution of a Boundary Problem for Equations of Elastic Equilibrium of Bodies in Transferences.
Inf. Process. Lett. 2(5): 148-151 (1973) |
1972 |
2 | | I. N. Molchanov,
L. D. Nikolenko:
On an Approach to Integrating Boundary Problems With a Non-Unique Solution.
Inf. Process. Lett. 1(4): 168-172 (1972) |
1 | | I. N. Molchanov,
N. I. Stepanets:
Iterative Methods for Solving Difference Equations of the Theory of Elasticity not Depending on the Spacing of the Difference Set.
Inf. Process. Lett. 1(5): 205-210 (1972) |