
Seyedeh Mahboubeh Molavi-Arabshahi

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3EEMehdi Dehghan, Seyedeh Mahboubeh Molavi-Arabshahi: Comparison of preconditioning techniques for solving linear systems arising from the fourth order approximation of the three-dimensional elliptic equation. Applied Mathematics and Computation 184(2): 156-172 (2007)
2EEMehdi Dehghan, Seyedeh Mahboubeh Molavi-Arabshahi: A simple form for the fourth order difference method for 3-D elliptic equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation 184(2): 589-598 (2007)
1EESeyedeh Mahboubeh Molavi-Arabshahi, Mehdi Dehghan: Preconditioned techniques for solving large sparse linear systems arising from the discretization of the elliptic partial differential equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation 188(2): 1371-1388 (2007)

Coauthor Index

1Mehdi Dehghan [1] [2] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)