
Werner Mohr

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8EEHsiao-Hwa Chen, Mohsen Guizani, Werner Mohr: Evolution toward 4G wireless networking [Guest Editorial]. IEEE Network 21(1): 4-5 (2007)
7EEWerner Mohr: The WINNER (Wireless World Initiative New Radio) Project - Development of a Radio Interface for Systems Beyond 3G. IJWIN 14(2): 67-78 (2007)
6EEWerner Mohr, Andrew Aftelak: The Wireless World Initiative - A Collaborative Approach to Creating the Building Blocks for Systems Beyond 3G. VTC Fall 2006: 1-5
5EEWerner Mohr: The Wireless World Research Forum - WWRF. Computer Communications 26(1): 2-10 (2003)
4EEWerner Mohr: Spectrum demand for systems beyond IMT-2000 based on data rate estimates. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 3(7): 817-835 (2003)
3EEFotini-Niovi Pavlidou, Mario Gerla, Werner Mohr: Guest Editorial: Ad Hoc Networking. IJWIN 9(2): 71-74 (2002)
2EEKurt Aretz, Martin Haardt, Walter Konhäuser, Werner Mohr: The future of wireless communications beyond the third generation. Computer Networks 37(1): 83-92 (2001)
1 D. Cygan, F. David, H. J. Eul, J. Hofmann, N. Metzner, Werner Mohr: RACE-II Advanced TDMA Mobile Access Project - An Approach for UMTS. Mobile Communications 1994: 428-439

Coauthor Index

1Andrew Aftelak [6]
2Kurt Aretz [2]
3Hsiao-Hwa Chen [8]
4D. Cygan [1]
5F. David [1]
6H. J. Eul [1]
7Mario Gerla [3]
8Mohsen Guizani [8]
9Martin Haardt [2]
10J. Hofmann [1]
11Walter Konhäuser [2]
12N. Metzner [1]
13Fotini-Niovi Pavlidou [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)