
George M. Mohay

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22EEMehdi Kiani, Andrew Clark, George M. Mohay: Evaluation of Anomaly Based Character Distribution Models in the Detection of SQL Injection Attacks. ARES 2008: 47-55
21EEDavid Duncombe, George M. Mohay, Andrew Clark: Synapse: auto-correlation and dynamic attack redirection in an immunologically-inspired IDS. ACSW Frontiers 2006: 135-144
20EEJacob Zimmermann, George M. Mohay: Distributed intrusion detection in clusters based on non-interference. ACSW Frontiers 2006: 89-95
19EEJonathon Abbott, Jim Bell, Andrew Clark, Olivier Y. de Vel, George M. Mohay: Automated recognition of event scenarios for digital forensics. SAC 2006: 293-300
18EEBradley Schatz, George M. Mohay, Andrew Clark: A correlation method for establishing provenance of timestamps in digital evidence. Digital Investigation 3(Supplement-1): 98-107 (2006)
17 Peter Clutterbuck, George M. Mohay, Owen Seamons: Exploring Transport Layer Solutions for Parallelism and Load Balancing within Internet Service Clusters. ITSSA 2(3): 273-280 (2006)
16EEStig Andersson, Andrew Clark, George M. Mohay, Bradley Schatz, Jacob Zimmermann: A Framework for Detecting Network-based Code Injection Attacks Targeting Windows and UNIX. ACSAC 2005: 49-58
15EEGeorge M. Mohay: Technical Challenges and Directions for Digital Forensics. SADFE 2005: 155-164
14EELyta Penna, Andrew Clark, George M. Mohay: Challenges of Automating the Detection of Paedophile Activity on the Internet. SADFE 2005: 206-222
13EEJacob Zimmermann, Andrew Clark, George M. Mohay, Fabien Pouget, Marc Dacier: The Use of Packet Inter-Arrival Times for Investigating Unsolicited Internet Traffic. SADFE 2005: 89-104
12 Bradley Schatz, George M. Mohay, Andrew Clark: Generalising Event Forensics Across Multiple Domains. Australian Computer, Network & Information Forensics Conference 2004: 136-144
11EENathan Carey, George M. Mohay, Andrew Clark: Attack Signature Matching and Discovery in Systems Employing Heterogeneous IDS. ACSAC 2003: 245-254
10 George M. Mohay, Kevin Chen, Andrew Clark: ECF - Event Correlation for Forensics. Australian Computer, Network & Information Forensics Conference 2003
9 Peter Clutterbuck, George M. Mohay: Internet Service Cluster Dispatching Via a TCP Redirection Option. International Conference on Internet Computing 2003: 381-387
8EEMalcolm Corney, Olivier Y. de Vel, Alison Anderson, George M. Mohay: Gender-Preferential Text Mining of E-mail Discourse. ACSAC 2002: 282-292
7EENathan Carey, Andrew Clark, George M. Mohay: IDS Interoperability and Correlation Using IDMEF and Commodity Systems. ICICS 2002: 252-264
6EEOlivier Y. de Vel, Alison Anderson, Malcolm Corney, George M. Mohay: Mining Email Content for Author Identification Forensics. SIGMOD Record 30(4): 55-64 (2001)
5 John Holford, George M. Mohay: ProtectOS: Operating System and Hardware Support for Small Objects. ACISP 1997: 102-113
4EEGeorge M. Mohay, J. Zellers: Kernel and Shell-Based Applications Integrity Assurance. ACSAC 1997: 34-43
3 P. J. Best, George M. Mohay, Alison Anderson: MIATA: A Machine-Independent Audit Trail Analyser. Australian Computer Journal 29(2): 57-63 (1997)
2 George M. Mohay, Hasmukh Morarji, Q. Le Viet, Lance Munday, William J. Caelli: The CASS Shell. Cryptography: Policy and Algorithms 1995: 313-325
1 K. John Gough, George M. Mohay, W. Pease: Realtime programming in Modula-2. Australian Computer Journal 23(4): 175-184 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Jonathon Abbott [19]
2Alison Anderson [3] [6] [8]
3Stig Andersson [16]
4Jim Bell [19]
5P. J. Best [3]
6William J. Caelli [2]
7Nathan Carey [7] [11]
8Kevin Chen [10]
9Andrew Clark [7] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [16] [18] [19] [21] [22]
10Peter Clutterbuck [9] [17]
11Malcolm Corney [6] [8]
12Marc Dacier [13]
13David Duncombe [21]
14K. John Gough [1]
15John Holford [5]
16Mehdi Kiani [22]
17Hasmukh Morarji [2]
18Lance Munday [2]
19W. Pease [1]
20Lyta Penna [14]
21Fabien Pouget [13]
22Bradley Schatz [12] [16] [18]
23Owen Seamons [17]
24Olivier Y. de Vel [6] [8] [19]
25Q. Le Viet [2]
26J. Zellers [4]
27Jacob Zimmermann [13] [16] [20]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)