
Mohammad Modarres

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7EEMohammad Modarres, Mehdi Sharifyazdi: Revenue management approach to stochastic capacity allocation problem. European Journal of Operational Research 192(2): 442-459 (2009)
6EES. Mehdi Hashemi, Mohammad Modarres, Ebrahim Nasrabadi, Mohammad Mehdi Nasrabadi: Fully fuzzified linear programming, solution and duality. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 17(3): 253-261 (2006)
5EEYu-Shu Hu, Mohammad Modarres: Apply Fuzzy-Logic-Based Functional-Center Hierarchies as Inference Engines for Self-Learning Manufacture Process Diagnoses. FSKD (2) 2005: 1012-1021
4EEMohammad Modarres, Ebrahim Nasrabadi, Mohammad Mehdi Nasrabadi: Fuzzy linear regression models with least square errors. Applied Mathematics and Computation 163(2): 977-989 (2005)
3EEAmir Azaron, Hideki Katagiri, Masatoshi Sakawa, Mohammad Modarres: Reliability function of a class of time-dependent systems with standby redundancy. European Journal of Operational Research 164(2): 378-386 (2005)
2EEMohammad Modarres, Ebrahim Nasrabadi, Mohammad Mehdi Nasrabadi: Fuzzy Linear Regression Analysis From The Point Of View Risk. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 12(5): 635-649 (2004)
1EEMohammad Modarres, Soheil Sadi-Nezhad: Ranking fuzzy numbers by preference ratio. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 118(3): 429-436 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Amir Azaron [3]
2S. Mehdi Hashemi [6]
3Yu-Shu Hu [5]
4Hideki Katagiri [3]
5Ebrahim Nasrabadi [2] [4] [6]
6Mohammad Mehdi Nasrabadi [2] [4] [6]
7Soheil Sadi-Nezhad [1]
8Masatoshi Sakawa [3]
9Mehdi Sharifyazdi [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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