
José Mocito

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6EEJosé Mocito, J. Alfonso Briones-García, Boris Koldehofe, Hugo Miranda, Luís Rodrigues: Geographical distribution of subscriptions for content-based publish/subscribe in MANETs. Middleware (Companion) 2008: 102-103
5EEJosé Mocito, Luís Rodrigues: Run-Time Switching Between Total Order Algorithms. Euro-Par 2006: 582-591
4EEJosé Mocito, Ana Respício, Luís Rodrigues: On Statistically Estimated Optimistic Delivery in Wide-Area Total Order Protocols. PRDC 2006: 202-209
3EELuís Rodrigues, José Mocito, Nuno Carvalho: From spontaneous total order to uniform total order: different degrees of optimistic delivery. SAC 2006: 723-727
2EEJosé Mocito, Liliana Rosa, Nuno Almeida, Hugo Miranda, Luís Rodrigues, Antónia Lopes: Context adaptation of the communication stack. IJPEDS 21(3): 169-181 (2006)
1EEJosé Mocito, Liliana Rosa, Nuno Almeida, Hugo Miranda, Luís Rodrigues, Antónia Lopes: Context Adaptation of the Communication Stack. ICDCS Workshops 2005: 652-655

Coauthor Index

1Nuno Almeida [1] [2]
2J. Alfonso Briones-García [6]
3Nuno Carvalho [3]
4Boris Koldehofe [6]
5Antónia Lopes [1] [2]
6Hugo Miranda [1] [2] [6]
7Ana Respício [4]
8Luís Rodrigues [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
9Liliana Rosa [1] [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)