
José A. Mocholí

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4EEJosé A. Mocholí, Javier Jaen, Alejandro Catalá: A Model of Affective Entities for Effective Learning Environments. Innovations in Hybrid Intelligent Systems 2008: 337-344
3EEJosé A. Mocholí, Javier Jaen: An Application of Ant Colony Optimization to Decision Making on Affective Virtual Entities. SYNASC 2007: 419-426
2EEJosé A. Mocholí, José M. Esteve, Javier Jaén Martínez, Raquel Acosta, Pierre Louis Xech: An Emotional Path Finding Mechanism for Augmented Reality Applications. ICEC 2006: 13-24
1EEJosé A. Mocholí, Javier Jaén Martínez, José Hilario Canós: A grid ant colony algorithm for the orienteering problem. Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2005: 942-949

Coauthor Index

1Raquel Acosta [2]
2Alejandro Catalá [4]
3José Hilario Canós Cerdá (José Hilario Canós) [1]
4José M. Esteve [2]
5Javier Jaen [3] [4]
6Javier Jaén Martínez [1] [2]
7Pierre Louis Xech [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)