
Yirong Mo

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5EELingchun Song, Jinshuai Song, Yirong Mo, Wei Wu: An efficient algorithm for energy gradients and orbital optimization in valence bond theory. Journal of Computational Chemistry 30(3): 399-406 (2009)
4EEJohn Frederick Beck, Yirong Mo: How resonance assists hydrogen bonding interactions: An energy decomposition analysis. Journal of Computational Chemistry 28(1): 455-466 (2007)
3EELingchun Song, Yirong Mo, Qianer Zhang, Wei Wu: XMVB: A program for ab initio nonorthogonal valence bond computations. Journal of Computational Chemistry 26(5): 514-521 (2005)
2EEYirong Mo, Jiali Gao: Ab initio QM/MM simulations with a molecular orbital-valence bond (MOVB) method: application to an SN2 reaction in water. Journal of Computational Chemistry 21(16): 1458-1469 (2000)
1EETaijin Zhou, Yirong Mo: General method for symmetry orbitals and tensors in electronic structure calculations. Journal of Computational Chemistry 20(3): 305-321 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1John Frederick Beck [4]
2Jiali Gao [2]
3Jinshuai Song [5]
4Lingchun Song [3] [5]
5Wei Wu [3] [5]
6Qianer Zhang [3]
7Taijin Zhou [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)