
Vahan V. Mkrtchyan

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15EEArtur Khojabaghyan, Vahan V. Mkrtchyan: An upper bound for a parameter related to special maximum matching constructing CoRR abs/0901.0121: (2009)
14EESasun Hambartsumyan, Vahan V. Mkrtchyan, Vahe L. Musoyan, Hovhannes Sargsyan: Complexity: an approach through independence CoRR abs/0903.4907: (2009)
13EEMatt DeVos, Vahan V. Mkrtchyan, Samvel S. Petrosyan: 5-cycles and the Petersen graph CoRR abs/0801.3714: (2008)
12EEVahan V. Mkrtchyan, Samvel S. Petrosyan, Gagik N. Vardanyan: TRACTATUS on disjoint matchings in cubic graphs CoRR abs/0803.0134: (2008)
11EERafael R. Kamalian, Vahan V. Mkrtchyan: On complexity of special maximum matchings constructing. Discrete Mathematics 308(10): 1792-1800 (2008)
10EEVahan V. Mkrtchyan, Vahe L. Musoyan, A. V. Tserunyan: On edge-disjoint pairs of matchings. Discrete Mathematics 308(23): 5823-5828 (2008)
9EEVahan V. Mkrtchyan: A note on minimal matching covered graphs CoRR abs/0707.1925: (2007)
8EEVahan V. Mkrtchyan: On trees with a maximum proper partial 0-1 coloring containing a maximum matching CoRR abs/0707.1926: (2007)
7EERafael R. Kamalian, Vahan V. Mkrtchyan: On complexity of special maximum matchings constructing CoRR abs/0707.2126: (2007)
6EERafael R. Kamalian, Vahan V. Mkrtchyan: Two polynomial algorithms for special maximum matching constructing in trees CoRR abs/0707.2295: (2007)
5EEVahan V. Mkrtchyan, Vahe L. Musoyan, A. V. Tserunyan: On Edge-Disjoint Pairs Of Matchings CoRR abs/0708.1903: (2007)
4EERafael R. Kamalian, Vahan V. Mkrtchyan: On a constructive characterization of a class of trees related to pairs of disjoint matchings CoRR abs/0708.2363: (2007)
3EEVahan V. Mkrtchyan: A course on Combinatorial Algorithms CoRR abs/0708.3962: (2007)
2EEVahan V. Mkrtchyan: A note on minimal matching covered graphs. Discrete Mathematics 306(4): 452-455 (2006)
1EEVahan V. Mkrtchyan: On trees with a maximum proper partial 0-1 coloring containing a maximum matching. Discrete Mathematics 306(4): 456-459 (2006)

Coauthor Index

1Matt DeVos [13]
2Sasun Hambartsumyan [14]
3Rafael R. Kamalian [4] [6] [7] [11]
4Artur Khojabaghyan [15]
5Vahe L. Musoyan [5] [10] [14]
6Samvel S. Petrosyan [12] [13]
7Hovhannes Sargsyan [14]
8A. V. Tserunyan [5] [10]
9Gagik N. Vardanyan [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)