
Takumi Miyoshi

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3EETakumi Miyoshi, Yoshiaki Tanaka: Adaptive Content Delivery System with Multicasting and Buffering for Heterogeneous Networks. IEICE Transactions 88-D(2): 204-213 (2005)
2EETakumi Miyoshi, Shintaro Shimizu, Yoshiaki Tanaka: Fast topological design with simulated annealing for multicast networks. ISCC 2002: 959-966
1EETakuya Asaka, Takumi Miyoshi, Yoshiaki Tanaka: New Distributed Multicast Routing and Its Performance Evaluation. NETWORKING 2000: 835-846

Coauthor Index

1Takuya Asaka [1]
2Shintaro Shimizu [2]
3Yoshiaki Tanaka [1] [2] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)