
Seiji Miyoshi

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7EEChihiro Seki, Shingo Sakurai, Masafumi Matsuno, Seiji Miyoshi: A Theoretical Analysis of On-Line Learning Using Correlated Examples. IEICE Transactions 91-A(9): 2663-2670 (2008)
6EEHideto Utsumi, Seiji Miyoshi, Masato Okada: Statistical Mechanics of Nonlinear On-line Learning for Ensemble Teachers CoRR abs/0705.2318: (2007)
5EESeiji Miyoshi, Masato Okada: Statistical Mechanics of Online Learning for Ensemble Teachers. IJCNN 2006: 750-755
4EEMasahiro Urakami, Seiji Miyoshi, Masato Okada: Statistical Mechanics of On-line Learning when a Moving Teacher Goes around an Unlearnable True Teacher CoRR abs/cs/0612117: (2006)
3EESeiji Miyoshi, Kazuyuki Hara, Masato Okada: Analysis of ensemble learning using simple perceptrons based on on-line learning theory. Systems and Computers in Japan 36(12): 63-74 (2005)
2EESeiji Miyoshi, Hiro-Fumi Yanai, Masato Okada: Associative memory by recurrent neural networks with delay elements. Neural Networks 17(1): 55-63 (2004)
1 Kazushi Ikeda, Seiji Miyoshi, Kenji Nakayama: Block-Size Optimization of Block Orthogonal Projection Algorithm for Linear Dichotomies. ICONIP 1998: 1215-1218

Coauthor Index

1Kazuyuki Hara [3]
2Kazushi Ikeda [1]
3Masafumi Matsuno [7]
4Kenji Nakayama [1]
5Masato Okada [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
6Shingo Sakurai [7]
7Chihiro Seki [7]
8Masahiro Urakami [4]
9Hideto Utsumi [6]
10Hiro-Fumi Yanai [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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