
Naoto Miura

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6EENaoto Miura, Hirohide Demura, Naru Hirata, Noriaki Asada: Tracking and Motion Analysis of Impact Fragments. CIT 2007: 593-598
5EENaoto Miura, Akio Nagasaka, Takafumi Miyatake: Extraction of Finger-Vein Patterns Using Maximum Curvature Points in Image Profiles. IEICE Transactions 90-D(8): 1185-1194 (2007)
4EENaoto Miura, Akio Nagasaka, Takafumi Miyatake: Extraction of Finger-Vein Patterns Using Maximum Curvature Points in Image Profiles. MVA 2005: 347-350
3EENaoto Miura, Akio Nagasaka, Takafumi Miyatake: Feature extraction of finger-vein patterns based on repeated line tracking and its application to personal identification. Mach. Vis. Appl. 15(4): 194-203 (2004)
2EENaoto Miura, Akio Nagasaka, Takafumi Miyatake: Feature extraction of finger vein patterns based on iterative line tracking and its application to personal identification. Systems and Computers in Japan 35(7): 61-71 (2004)
1EENaoto Miura, Akio Nagasaka, Takafumi Miyatake: Automatic Feature Extraction from non-uniform Finger Vein Image and its Application to Personal Identification. MVA 2002: 253-256

Coauthor Index

1Noriaki Asada [6]
2Hirohide Demura [6]
3Naru Hirata [6]
4Takafumi Miyatake [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
5Akio Nagasaka [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)