
Elke Mittendorf

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10 Peter Schäuble, Elke Mittendorf: Introduction. Inf. Retr. 3(3): 171-172 (2000)
9 Elke Mittendorf, Peter Schäuble: Information Retrieval can Cope with Many Errors. Inf. Retr. 3(3): 189-216 (2000)
8 Elke Mittendorf, Bojidar Mateev, Peter Schäuble: Using the Co-occurrence of Words for Retrieval Weighting. Inf. Retr. 3(3): 243-251 (2000)
7 Martin Braschler, Bojidar Mateev, Elke Mittendorf, Peter Schäuble, Martin Wechsler: SPIDER Retrieval System at TREC7. TREC 1998: 446-454
6EEBojidar Mateev, Elke Mittendorf, Peter Schäuble: Where the Linked Dependence Assumption Fails and How to Move Beyond It. BCS-IRSG Annual Colloquium on IR Research 1997
5EEJean Paul Ballerini, Marco Büchel, Ruxandra Domenig, Daniel Knaus, Bojidar Mateev, Elke Mittendorf, Peter Schäuble, Paraic Sheridan, Martin Wechsler: SPIDER Retrieval System at TREC-5. TREC 1996
4EEElke Mittendorf, Peter Schäuble, Paraic Sheridan: Applying Probabilistic Term Weighting to OCR Text in the Case of a Large Alphabetic Library Catalogue. SIGIR 1995: 328-335
3EEDaniel Knaus, Elke Mittendorf, Peter Schäuble, Paraic Sheridan: Highlighting Relevant Passages for Users of the Interactive SPIDER Retrieval System. TREC 1995
2EEElke Mittendorf, Peter Schäuble: Document and Passage Retrieval Based on Hidden Markov Models. SIGIR 1994: 318-327
1 Daniel Knaus, Elke Mittendorf, Peter Schäuble: Improving a Basic Retrieval Method by Links and Passage Level Evidence. TREC 1994: 0-

Coauthor Index

1Jean Paul Ballerini [5]
2Martin Braschler [7]
3Marco Büchel [5]
4Ruxandra Domenig [5]
5Daniel Knaus [1] [3] [5]
6Bojidar Mateev [5] [6] [7] [8]
7Peter Schäuble [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
8Paraic Sheridan [3] [4] [5]
9Martin Wechsler [5] [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)