
Jelena Mitic

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3EEJelena Mitic: Enforcing Patient Privacy in Healthcare WSNs Using ECC Implemented on 802.15.4 Beacon Enabled Clusters. PerCom 2008: 686-691
2EESusana Alcalde Bagüés, Jelena Mitic, Andreas Zeidler, Marta Tejada, Ignacio R. Matias, Carlos Fernandez Valdivielso: Obligations: Building a Bridge between Personal and Enterprise Privacy in Pervasive Computing. TrustBus 2008: 173-184
1EEFiona Mahon, Jelena Mitic, Micheal Crotty, Kevin Doolin, Christoph Kuhmünch: Pervasive Service Platform (PSP): Facilitating Pervasive Services. ICNS 2006: 58

Coauthor Index

1Susana Alcalde Bagüés [2]
2Micheal Crotty [1]
3Kevin Doolin [1]
4Christoph Kuhmünch [1]
5Fiona Mahon [1]
6Ignacio R. Matias [2]
7Marta Tejada [2]
8Carlos Fernandez Valdivielso [2]
9Andreas Zeidler [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)