
Christopher Mitchell

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5EEJun Wang, Xiaoyu Yao, Christopher Mitchell, Peng Gu: A New Hierarchical Data Cache Architecture for iSCSI Storage Server. IEEE Trans. Computers 58(4): 433-447 (2009)
4EEStephane Bigot, Luciano Lucas, Philip Morrow, Christopher Mitchell, Kurt Saetzler: Estimating Leukocyte Velocities from High-speed 1d Line Scans Oriented Orthogonal to Blood Flow. ISBI 2007: 376-379
3EEOrla McEnery, Luciano Lucas, YingLiang Ma, Philip Morrow, Christopher Mitchell, Kurt Saetzler: A fast, robust and scale-independent approach to estimate vessel diameters in intravital fluorescence microscopy images. ISBI 2006: 101-104
2EEHelen C. Purchase, Christopher Mitchell, Iadh Ounis: Gauging Students' Understanding Through Interactive Lectures. BNCOD 2004: 234-243
1 Carol Bindon, Jane Martindale, Christopher Mitchell: Biologically-generated primer for PCR: PCR primer of unknown sequence. Nucleic Acids Research 26(13): 3305-3308 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Stephane Bigot [4]
2Carol Bindon [1]
3Peng Gu [5]
4Luciano Lucas [3] [4]
5YingLiang Ma [3]
6Jane Martindale [1]
7Orla McEnery [3]
8Philip Morrow [3] [4]
9Iadh Ounis [2]
10Helen C. Purchase [2]
11Kurt Saetzler [3] [4]
12Jun Wang [5]
13Xiaoyu Yao [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)