
Pedro Miramontes

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4EEAntonio Neme, Pedro Miramontes: A Parameter in the Learning Rule of SOM That Incorporates Activation Frequency. ICANN (1) 2006: 455-463
3EERicardo Mansilla, E. Köppen, Germinal Cocho, Pedro Miramontes: On the Behavior of Journal Impact Factor Rank-Order Distribution CoRR abs/cs/0610091: (2006)
2EEAntonio Neme, Pedro Miramontes: Statistical Properties of Lattices Affect Topographic Error in Self-organizing Maps. ICANN (1) 2005: 427-432
1EEAntonio Neme, Pedro Miramontes: Biological Domain Identification Based in Codon Usage by Means of Rule and Tree Induction. CMSB 2004: 221-224

Coauthor Index

1Germinal Cocho [3]
2E. Köppen [3]
3Ricardo Mansilla [3]
4Antonio Neme [1] [2] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)