
Daniel Minoli

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5 Daniel Minoli: A New Design Criterion for Store-and-Forward Networks. Computer Networks 7: 9-15 (1983)
4EEDaniel Minoli: Optimal strategy in multigraduated tariffs. Computer Communications 4(6): 286-292 (1981)
3EEDaniel Minoli: Engineering two way foreign exchange trunk bundle systems. Computer Communications 3(2): 69-76 (1980)
2EEDaniel Minoli: Optimal allocation in a multiresources graduated tariff communication environment. Computer Communications 3(4): 177-184 (1980)
1 Daniel Minoli: Selection of Communication Facilities Under a Multigraduated Tariff. Computer Networks 4: 295-301 (1980)

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)