
Aristide Mingozzi

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16EEMarco A. Boschetti, Aristide Mingozzi, Salvatore Ricciardelli: A dual ascent procedure for the set partitioning problem. Discrete Optimization 5(4): 735-747 (2008)
15EERoberto Baldacci, Nicos Christofides, Aristide Mingozzi: An exact algorithm for the vehicle routing problem based on the set partitioning formulation with additional cuts. Math. Program. 115(2): 351-385 (2008)
14EEEnrico Bartolini, Vittorio Maniezzo, Aristide Mingozzi: An Adaptive Memory-Based Approach Based on Partial Enumeration. LION 2007: 12-24
13EEDaniele Vigo, Paolo Toth, Aristide Mingozzi: Route 2005: Recent advances in vehicle routing optimization. Networks 49(4): 243-244 (2007)
12EERoberto Baldacci, Lawrence Bodin, Aristide Mingozzi: The multiple disposal facilities and multiple inventory locations rollon-rolloff vehicle routing problem. Computers & OR 33: 2667-2702 (2006)
11EEAristide Mingozzi: The Multi-depot Periodic Vehicle Routing Problem. SARA 2005: 347-350
10EEMarco A. Boschetti, Aristide Mingozzi, Salvatore Ricciardelli: An Exact Algorithm for the Simplified Multiple Depot Crew Scheduling Problem. Annals OR 127(1-4): 177-201 (2004)
9EEMarco A. Boschetti, Aristide Mingozzi: The two-dimensional finite bin packing problem. Part I: New lower bounds for the oriented case. 4OR 1(1): 27-42 (2003)
8EEMarco A. Boschetti, Aristide Mingozzi: The Two-Dimensional Finite Bin Packing Problem. Part II: New lower and upper bounds. 4OR 1(2): 135-147 (2003)
7EERoberto Baldacci, Eleni Hadjiconstantinou, Aristide Mingozzi: An exact algorithm for the Traveling Salesman Problem with Deliveries and Collections. Networks 42(1): 26-41 (2003)
6EEAristide Mingozzi: State Space Relaxation and Search Strategies in Dynamic Programming. SARA 2002: 51
5EERoberto Baldacci, Eleni Hadjiconstantinou, Vittorio Maniezzo, Aristide Mingozzi: A new method for solving capacitated location problems based on a set partitioning approach. Computers & OR 29(4): 365-386 (2002)
4 Aristide Mingozzi, Serena Morigi: Partitioning a matrix with non-guillotine cuts to minimize the maximum cos. Discrete Applied Mathematics 116(3): 243-260 (2002)
3EEVittorio Maniezzo, Aristide Mingozzi: The project scheduling problem with irregular starting time costs. Oper. Res. Lett. 25(4): 175-182 (1999)
2 Vittorio Maniezzo, Aristide Mingozzi, Roberto Baldacci: A Bionomic Approach to the Capacitated p-Median Problem. J. Heuristics 4(3): 263-280 (1998)
1EEAristide Mingozzi, Salvatore Ricciardelli, Massimo Spadoni: Partitioning a Matrix to Minimize the Maximum Cost. Discrete Applied Mathematics 62(1-3): 221-248 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Roberto Baldacci [2] [5] [7] [12] [15]
2Enrico Bartolini [14]
3Lawrence Bodin [12]
4Marco A. Boschetti [8] [9] [10] [16]
5Nicos Christofides [15]
6Eleni Hadjiconstantinou [5] [7]
7Vittorio Maniezzo [2] [3] [5] [14]
8Serena Morigi [4]
9Salvatore Ricciardelli [1] [10] [16]
10Massimo Spadoni [1]
11Paolo Toth [13]
12Daniele Vigo [13]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)