
Li Ming

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7EELi Quanqing, Li Ming: The Method of Error Controlling on the Vectorization of Dot Matrix Image. CSSE (2) 2008: 810-813
6EEXi Min, Zhao Jizhong, Qi Yong, He Hui, Li Ming, Wei Wei: Isotope Programming Model: a Kind of Program Model for Context-Aware Application. MUE 2007: 597-602
5EEChen Jia, Wu Yue, Phillip C.-Y. Sheu, Li Ming, Hui Bei: Bayesian Classification-based Intelligent-agent Data Management over Grid. ICTAI 2006: 93-97
4EENian Fu-zhong, Li Ming: Attribute value reduction in variable precision rough set. PDCAT 2005: 904-906
3EEWu Yan, Li Ming, Liao Guisheng: Image fusion by means of A trous discrete wavelet decomposition. ICARCV 2004: 1538-1542
2EELi Ming, Wu Yan, Wu Shunjun: A new pixel-level multi-focus image fusion algorithm based on evolutionary strategy. ICARCV 2004: 810-814
1 Paulo Veríssimo, José Rufino, Li Ming: How Hard is Hard Real-time Communication on Field-Buses?. FTCS 1997: 112-121

Coauthor Index

1Hui Bei [5]
2Nian Fu-zhong [4]
3Liao Guisheng [3]
4He Hui [6]
5Chen Jia [5]
6Zhao Jizhong [6]
7Xi Min [6]
8Li Quanqing [7]
9José Rufino [1]
10Phillip C.-Y. Sheu (Phillip Chen-Yu Sheu) [5]
11Wu Shunjun [2]
12Paulo Veríssimo [1]
13Wei Wei [6]
14Wu Yan [2] [3]
15Qi Yong [6]
16Wu Yue [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)