
Hyun Gi Min

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9EEHyun Gi Min, Soo Dong Kim: A Technique to Represent and Generate Components in MDA/PIM for Automation. FASE 2006: 293-307
8EEHyun Gi Min, Soo Dong Kim: Process and Techniques to Generate Components in MDA/CB-PIM for Automation. ICCSA (4) 2006: 736-745
7EESoo Dong Kim, Hyun Gi Min, Jin Sun Her, Soo Ho Chang: An Extreme Approach to Automating Software Development with CBD, PLE and MDA Integrated. PROFES 2006: 447-452
6EEHyun Gi Min, Jin Yeal Lee, Sung Ahn Kim, Soo Dong Kim: An Effective Method to Design CBD Components in Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB). SERA 2006: 49-56
5 Soo Dong Kim, Hyun Gi Min: A Systematic Methodology for Adapting Software Components. COEA 2005: 9-23
4EESoo Dong Kim, Hyun Gi Min, Sung Yul Rhew: Variability Design and Customization Mechanisms for COTS Components. ICCSA (1) 2005: 57-66
3EESoo Dong Kim, Hyun Gi Min, Jin Sun Her, Soo Ho Chang: DREAM: A Practical Product Line Engineering Using Model Driven Architecture. ICITA (1) 2005: 70-75
2EEHyun Gi Min, Soo Dong Kim: A Technique to Represent Product Line Core Assets in MDA/PIM for Automation. RISE 2005: 66-80
1EEHyun Gi Min, Si Won Choi, Soo Dong Kim: Using Smart Connectors to Resolve Partial Matching Problems in COTS Component Acquisition. CBSE 2004: 40-47

Coauthor Index

1Soo Ho Chang [3] [7]
2Si Won Choi [1]
3Jin Sun Her [3] [7]
4Soo Dong Kim [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
5Sung Ahn Kim [6]
6Jin Yeal Lee [6]
7Sung Yul Rhew [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)