
Julien Mille

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5EEJulien Mille, Romuald Boné, Laurent D. Cohen: Region-Based 2D Deformable Generalized Cylinder for Narrow Structures Segmentation. ECCV (2) 2008: 392-404
4EEJulien Mille, Romuald Boné, Pascal Makris, Hubert Cardot: Segmentation and Tracking of the Left Ventricle in 3D MRI Sequences Using an Active Surface Model. CBMS 2007: 257-262
3EEJulien Mille, Romuald Boné, Pascal Makris, Hubert Cardot: 2D and 3D Deformable Models with Narrowband Region Energy. ICIP (2) 2007: 57-60
2EEJulien Mille, Romuald Boné, Pascal Makris, Hubert Cardot: Exploring Boundary Concavities in Active Contours and Surfaces. 3DPVT 2006: 1093-1100
1EEJulien Mille, Romuald Boné, Pascal Makris, Hubert Cardot: Greedy Algorithm and Physics-Based Method for Active Contours and Surfaces: A Comparative Study. ICIP 2006: 1645-1648

Coauthor Index

1Romuald Boné [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
2Hubert Cardot [1] [2] [3] [4]
3Laurent D. Cohen [5]
4Pascal Makris [1] [2] [3] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)