
Miroslawa Milkowska

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6EEWlodzimierz Drabent, Miroslawa Milkowska: Proving Correctness and Completeness of Normal Programs - a Declarative Approach CoRR abs/cs/0501043: (2005)
5EEWlodzimierz Drabent, Miroslawa Milkowska: Proving correctness and completeness of normal programs - a declarative approach. TPLP 5(6): 669-711 (2005)
4EEWlodzimierz Drabent, Miroslawa Milkowska: Proving Correctness and Completeness of Normal Programs - A Declarative Approach. ICLP 2001: 284-299
3 Feliks Kluzniak, Miroslawa Milkowska: Spill - A Logic Language for Writing Testable Requirements Specifications. Sci. Comput. Program. 28(2-3): 193-223 (1997)
2 Feliks Kluzniak, Miroslawa Milkowska: Readable, Runnable Requirements Specifications in SPILL-2. PLILP 1994: 449-450
1 Feliks Kluzniak, Miroslawa Milkowska: Towards a "Middle Road" Methodology for Writing Code Generators. PLILP 1988: 105-118

Coauthor Index

1Wlodzimierz Drabent (Wlodek Drabent) [4] [5] [6]
2Feliks Kluzniak [1] [2] [3]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)