
Dragutin T. Mihailovic

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4EEDragutin T. Mihailovic, Kiran Alapaty: Intercomparison of two K-schemes: Local versus non-local in calculating concentrations of pollutants in chemical and air-quality models. Environmental Modelling and Software 22(11): 1685-1689 (2007)
3EEDragutin T. Mihailovic, S. Trivikrama Rao, Kiran Alapaty, Jia-Yeong Ku, Ilija Arsenic, Branislava Lalic: A study on the effects of subgrid-scale representation of land use on the boundary layer evolution using a 1-D model. Environmental Modelling and Software 20(6): 705-714 (2005)
2EEBranislava Lalic, Dragutin T. Mihailovic, B. Rajkovic, I. D. Arsenic, D. Radlovic: Wind profile within the forest canopy and in the transition layer above it. Environmental Modelling and Software 18(10): 943-950 (2003)
1 Dragutin T. Mihailovic, I. Koci, Branislava Lalic, Ilija Arsenic, D. Radlovic, J. Balaz: The main features of BAHUS -- biometeorological system for messages on the occurrence of diseases in fruits and vines. Environmental Modelling and Software 16(8): 691-696 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Kiran Alapaty [3] [4]
2I. D. Arsenic [2]
3Ilija Arsenic [1] [3]
4J. Balaz [1]
5I. Koci [1]
6Jia-Yeong Ku [3]
7Branislava Lalic [1] [2] [3]
8D. Radlovic [1] [2]
9B. Rajkovic [2]
10S. Trivikrama Rao [3]

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