
Miguel A. de Miguel

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15EEMiguel A. de Miguel, Philippe Massonet, Juan Pedro Silva, Javier Fernández Briones: Model Based Development of Quality-Aware Software Services. ISORC 2008: 563-569
14EEDaniel Tejera, Alejandro Alonso, Miguel A. de Miguel: Predictable Serialization in Java. ISORC 2007: 102-109
13EEDaniel Tejera, Alejandro Alonso, Miguel A. de Miguel: RMI-HRT: remote method invocation - hard real time. JTRES 2007: 113-120
12EEJavier Fernández Briones, Miguel A. de Miguel, Juan Pedro Silva, Alejandro Alonso: Application of Safety Analyses in Model Driven Development. SEUS 2007: 93-104
11EEMiguel A. de Miguel, Javier Fernández Briones, Juan Pedro Silva, Alejandro Alonso: Model Based Integration of Safety Analysis and Development. ISORC 2006: 323-326
10EEDaniel Tejera, Ruth Tolosa, Miguel A. de Miguel, Alejandro Alonso: Two Alternative RMI Models for Real-Time Distributed Applications. ISORC 2005: 390-397
9EEMiguel A. de Miguel, Bernard Pauly, Thierry Person, Javier Fernández Briones: Model-Based Integration of Safety Analysis and Reliable Software Development. WORDS 2005: 312-319
8EEMiguel A. de Miguel, M. Teresa Higuera-Toledano: Runtime Management of Quality Specification for QoS-Aware Components. EUROMICRO 2004: 84-91
7EEMiguel A. de Miguel: General Framework for the Description of QoS in UML. ISORC 2003: 61-70
6EERuth Tolosa, José P. Mayo, Miguel A. de Miguel, M. Teresa Higuera-Toledano, Alejandro Alonso: Container Model Based on RTSJ Services. OTM Workshops 2003: 385-396
5EEMiguel A. de Miguel: QoS Modeling Language for High Quality Systems. WORDS 2003: 210-216
4EEMiguel A. de Miguel: Integration of QoS Facilities into Component Container Architectures. Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing 2002: 394-401
3EEMiguel A. de Miguel: Solutions to Make Java-RMI Time Predictable. ISORC 2001: 379-386
2 Juan C. Dueñas, Gonzalo León, Alvaro Rendón, Miguel A. de Miguel: Heterogeneous Simulation for Real-Time Systems. EUROSIM 1995: 619-624
1EEAlvaro Rendón, Juan C. Dueñas, Miguel A. de Miguel, Jyrki Leskela, Juan Antonio de la Puente, Gonzalo León, Alejandro Alonso: Animation of heterogeneous prototypes of real-time systems. ICECCS 1995: 47-54

Coauthor Index

1Alejandro Alonso [1] [6] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
2Javier Fernández Briones [9] [11] [12] [15]
3Juan C. Dueñas [1] [2]
4M. Teresa Higuera-Toledano [6] [8]
5Gonzalo León [1] [2]
6Jyrki Leskela [1]
7Philippe Massonet [15]
8José P. Mayo [6]
9Bernard Pauly [9]
10Thierry Person [9]
11Juan Antonio de la Puente [1]
12Alvaro Rendón [1] [2]
13Juan Pedro Silva [11] [12] [15]
14Daniel Tejera [10] [13] [14]
15Ruth Tolosa [6] [10]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)