
Alicja Mieszkowicz-Rolka

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11EEAlicja Mieszkowicz-Rolka, Leszek Rolka: Fuzzy rough approximations of process data. Int. J. Approx. Reasoning 49(2): 301-315 (2008)
10EEAlicja Mieszkowicz-Rolka, Leszek Rolka: Determining Significance of Attributes in the Unified Rough Set Approach. RSFDGrC 2007: 71-78
9EEAlicja Mieszkowicz-Rolka, Leszek Rolka: On Representation and Analysis of Crisp and Fuzzy Information Systems. T. Rough Sets 6: 191-210 (2007)
8EEAlicja Mieszkowicz-Rolka, Leszek Rolka: Flow Graphs and Decision Tables with Fuzzy Attributes. ICAISC 2006: 268-277
7EEAlicja Mieszkowicz-Rolka, Leszek Rolka: An Approach to Parameterized Approximation of Crisp and Fuzzy Sets. RSCTC 2006: 127-136
6EEAlicja Mieszkowicz-Rolka, Leszek Rolka: Variable Precision Fuzzy Rough Sets Model in the Analysis of Process Data. RSFDGrC (1) 2005: 354-363
5EEAlicja Mieszkowicz-Rolka, Leszek Rolka: Fuzzy Implication Operators in Variable Precision Fuzzy Rough Sets Model. ICAISC 2004: 498-503
4EEAlicja Mieszkowicz-Rolka, Leszek Rolka: Remarks on Approximation Quality in Variable Precision Fuzzy Rough Sets Model. Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing 2004: 402-411
3EEAlicja Mieszkowicz-Rolka, Leszek Rolka: Variable Precision Fuzzy Rough Sets. T. Rough Sets: 144-160 (2004)
2EEAlicja Mieszkowicz-Rolka, Leszek Rolka: Studying System Properties with Rough Sets. International Conference on Computational Science 2003: 115-124
1EEAlicja Mieszkowicz-Rolka, Leszek Rolka: Fuzziness in Information Systems. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 82(4): (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Leszek Rolka [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]

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