
Gerhard O. Michler

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7 Gerhard O. Michler: How to Build a Prototype for a Distributed Digital Mathematics Archive Library. Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 38(1-3): 137-164 (2003)
6 Gene Cooperman, Eike Jessen, Gerhard O. Michler: Workshop on Wide Area Networks and High Performance Computing, September 1-5, 1998, Essen, Germany Springer 1999
5 Gene Cooperman, Eike Jessen, Gerhard O. Michler: Introduction: Distributed High Performance Computing and Gigabit Wide Area Networks. Wide Area Networks and High Performance Computing 1998: 1-4
4 Gerhard O. Michler: A Prototype of a Combined Digital and Retrodigitized Searchable Mathematical Journal. Wide Area Networks and High Performance Computing 1998: 219-235
3 Gerhard O. Michler: Some Problems in Computational Representation Theory. J. Symb. Comput. 9(5/6): 571-582 (1990)
2 Gerhard O. Michler: An Algorithm for Determining the Simplicity of a Modular Group Representation. J. Symb. Comput. 6(1): 105-111 (1988)
1 Gerhard O. Michler: Representations of Groups over Finite Fields. Trends in Computer Algebra 1987: 119-136

Coauthor Index

1Gene Cooperman [5] [6]
2Eike Jessen [5] [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)