
Markus Michels

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16 Andreas Bertsch, Sophie-D. Fleisch, Markus Michels: Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen des Einsatzes digitaler Signaturen. Datenschutz und Datensicherheit 26(2): (2002)
15EEJan Camenisch, Markus Michels: Confirmer Signature Schemes Secure against Adaptive Adversaries. EUROCRYPT 2000: 243-258
14EEJan Camenisch, Markus Michels: Separability and Efficiency for Generic Group Signature Schemes. CRYPTO 1999: 413-430
13EEJan Camenisch, Markus Michels: Proving in Zero-Knowledge that a Number Is the Product of Two Safe Primes. EUROCRYPT 1999: 107-122
12EEJan Camenisch, Markus Michels: A Group Signature Scheme with Improved Efficiency. ASIACRYPT 1998: 160-174
11EEMarkus Michels, Markus Stadler, Hung-Min Sun: On the Security of Some Variants of the RSA Signature Scheme. ESORICS 1998: 85-96
10EEMarkus Michels, Markus Stadler: Generic Constructions for Secure and Efficient Confirmer Signature Schemes. EUROCRYPT 1998: 406-421
9 Holger Petersen, Markus Michels: On Signature Schemes with Threshold Verification Detecting Malicious Verifiers. Security Protocols Workshop 1997: 67-78
8EEMarkus Michels, Holger Petersen, Patrick Horster: Breaking and Repairing a Convertible Undeniable Signature Scheme. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 1996: 148-152
7 Markus Michels, Patrick Horster: Some Remarks on a Receipt-Free and Universally Verifiable Mix-Type Voting Scheme. ASIACRYPT 1996: 125-132
6 Markus Michels, Patrick Horster: On the Risk of Disruption in Several Multiparty Signature Schemes. ASIACRYPT 1996: 334-345
5 Markus Michels, Patrick Horster: Cryptanalysis of a Voting Scheme. Communications and Multimedia Security 1996: 53-59
4EEMarkus Michels, David Naccache, Holger Petersen: GOST 34.10 - A brief overview of Russia's DSA. Computers & Security 15(8): 725-732 (1996)
3 Patrick Horster, Markus Michels, Holger Petersen: Das Meta-ElGamal Signaturverfahren und seine Anwendungen. VIS 1995: 207-
2EEPatrick Horster, Holger Petersen, Markus Michels: Meta-ElGamal Signature Schemes. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 1994: 96-107
1 Patrick Horster, Markus Michels, Holger Petersen: Meta-Message Recovery and Meta-Blind Signature Schemes Based on the Discrete Logarithm Problem and Their Applications. ASIACRYPT 1994: 224-237

Coauthor Index

1Andreas Bertsch [16]
2Jan Camenisch [12] [13] [14] [15]
3Sophie-D. Fleisch [16]
4Patrick Horster [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] [8]
5David Naccache [4]
6Holger Petersen [1] [2] [3] [4] [8] [9]
7Markus Stadler [10] [11]
8Hung-Min Sun [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)