
Marcin Michalak

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4EEMarcin Michalak, Marek Sikora: Decision Rule Based Data Models Using NetTRS System Overview. T. Rough Sets 9: 145-156 (2008)
3EEMarek Sikora, Marcin Michalak: NetTRS - Induction and Postprocessing of Decision Rules. RSCTC 2006: 378-387
2 Mariette Barthelemy, Antal Bulanza, Fabrice Clari, Thomas Dietz, Nadine Levy, Marcin Michalak, Sathya Rao, Szabolcs Szigeti, Paul van Binst: EUROLABS european distributed NGN laboratories. TRIDENTCOM 2006
1EEMarcin Michalak, Torsten Braun: Common Gateway Architecture for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks. WONS 2005: 70-75

Coauthor Index

1Mariette Barthelemy [2]
2Paul van Binst [2]
3Torsten Braun [1]
4Antal Bulanza [2]
5Fabrice Clari [2]
6Thomas Dietz [2]
7Nadine Levy [2]
8Sathya Rao [2]
9Marek Sikora [3] [4]
10Szabolcs Szigeti [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)