
Claude Meunier

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6EEClaude Meunier, Boris Lamotte d'Incamps: Extending Cable Theory to Heterogeneous Dendrites. Neural Computation 20(7): 1732-1775 (2008)
5EEClaude Meunier, Karol Borejsza: How Membrane Properties Shape the Discharge of Motoneurons: A Detailed Analytical Study. Neural Computation 17(11): 2383-2420 (2005)
4 L. Neltner, David Hansel, Germán Mato, Claude Meunier: Synchrony in Heterogeneous Networks of Spiking Neurons. Neural Computation 12(7): 1607-1641 (2000)
3 Boris Lamotte d'Incamps, Claude Meunier, Marie-Laure Monnet, Léna Jami, Daniel Zytnicki: Reduction of Presynaptic Action Potentials by PAD: Model and Experimental Study. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 5(2): 141-156 (1998)
2 David Hansel, Germán Mato, Claude Meunier, L. Neltner: On Numerical Simulations of Integrate-and-Fire Neural Networks. Neural Computation 10(2): 467-483 (1998)
1EEDavid Hansel, Germán Mato, Claude Meunier: Synchrony in excitatory neural networks. Neural Computation 7(2): 307-337 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Karol Borejsza [5]
2David Hansel [1] [2] [4]
3Léna Jami [3]
4Germán Mato [1] [2] [4]
5Marie-Laure Monnet [3]
6L. Neltner [2] [4]
7Daniel Zytnicki [3]
8Boris Lamotte d'Incamps [3] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)