
K. Messmer

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3EED. A. Bottino, M. Kleen, G. Kemming, F. Meisner, O. Habler, K. Messmer: Erratum to "Three-dimensional visualization of lung blood flow heterogeneity based on fluorescent microsphere technique and fractal dimension: The Blood Flow Analysis System - BFA System": [Com. Methods Progs. Biomed 65 (2001) 79-87]. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 68(2): 183 (2002)
2EED. A. Bottino, M. Kleen, G. Kemming, F. Meisner, O. Habler, K. Messmer: Three-dimensional visualization of lung blood flow heterogeneity based on fluorescent microsphere technique and fractal dimension: The Blood Flow Analysis System - BFA System. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 65(1): 79-87 (2001)
1EEE. Thein, S. Raab, A. G. Harris, K. Messmer: Automation of the use of fluorescent microspheres for the determination of blood flow. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 61(1): 11-21 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1D. A. Bottino [2] [3]
2O. Habler [2] [3]
3A. G. Harris [1]
4G. Kemming [2] [3]
5M. Kleen [2] [3]
6F. Meisner [2] [3]
7S. Raab [1]
8E. Thein [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)