
Bruno T. Messmer

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10EEBruno T. Messmer, Horst Bunke: Efficient Subgraph Isomorphism Detection: A Decomposition Approach. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 12(2): 307-323 (2000)
9EEBruno T. Messmer, Horst Bunke: A decision tree approach to graph and subgraph isomorphism detection. Pattern Recognition 32(12): 1979-1998 (1999)
8EEBruno T. Messmer, Horst Bunke: A New Algorithm for Error-Tolerant Subgraph Isomorphism Detection. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 20(5): 493-504 (1998)
7 Bruno T. Messmer, Horst Bunke: Error-Correcting Graph Isomorphism Using Decision Trees. IJPRAI 12(6): 721-742 (1998)
6 Bruno T. Messmer, Horst Bunke: Fast Computation of Error-Correcting Graph Isomorphisms Based on Model Precompilation. ICIAP (1) 1997: 693-700
5 Horst Bunke, Bruno T. Messmer: Recent Advances in Graph Matching. IJPRAI 11(1): 169-203 (1997)
4 Bruno T. Messmer, Horst Bunke: Subgraph Isomorphism Detection in Polynominal Time on Preprocessed Model Graphs. ACCV 1995: 373-382
3 Bruno T. Messmer, Horst Bunke: Automatic Learning and Recognition of Graphical Symbols in Engineering Drawings. GREC 1995: 123-134
2 Horst Bunke, Bruno T. Messmer: Efficient Attributed Graph Matching and Its Application to Image Analysis. ICIAP 1995: 45-55
1 Horst Bunke, Bruno T. Messmer: Similarity Measures for Structured Representations. EWCBR 1993: 106-118

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1Horst Bunke [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]

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