
Enzo Dalle Mese

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4EEFabrizio Berizzi, Marco Martorella, Brett Haywood, Enzo Dalle Mese, Silvia Bruscoli: A survey on ISAR autofocusing techniques. ICIP 2004: 9-12
3EEFabrizio Berizzi, Enzo Dalle Mese, Marco Diani, Marco Martorella: High-resolution ISAR imaging of maneuvering targets by means of the range instantaneous Doppler technique: modeling and performance analysis. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 10(12): 1880-1890 (2001)
2 Dino Giuli, L. Baldini, Stefano Nativi, Enzo Dalle Mese, M. Del Sarto, S. Giordano: Experimental multimedia broadband telecommunication service for Civil Protection application through an hydrometerological monitoring system. Broadband Islands 1994: 309-316
1 Giovanni Corsini, Enzo Dalle Mese, G. Marchetti, Lucio Verrazzani: Comments on 'On a direct method of analysis and synthesis of the SPRT' by I. Vrana. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 30(3): 573- (1984)

Coauthor Index

1L. Baldini [2]
2Fabrizio Berizzi [3] [4]
3Silvia Bruscoli [4]
4Giovanni Corsini [1]
5Marco Diani [3]
6S. Giordano [2]
7Dino Giuli [2]
8Brett Haywood [4]
9G. Marchetti [1]
10Marco Martorella [3] [4]
11Stefano Nativi [2]
12M. Del Sarto [2]
13Lucio Verrazzani [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)