
Belden Menkus

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19EEBelden Menkus: The new importance of "business continuity" in data processing disaster recovery planning. Computers & Security 13(2): 115-118 (1994)
18EEBelden Menkus: A high rise building fire case study. Computers & Security 11(1): 19-23 (1992)
17EEBelden Menkus: Introduction to computer security. Computers & Security 11(2): 121-127 (1992)
16EEBelden Menkus: Concerns in computer security. Computers & Security 11(3): 211-215 (1992)
15EEBelden Menkus: The lessons of the Great Chicago flood of 1992. Computers & Security 11(5): 417-420 (1992)
14EEBelden Menkus: Understanding EDI security issues. Computers & Security 11(6): 525-528 (1992)
13 Belden Menkus: Re-examining the Data Encryption Standard. Computers & Security 11(8): 703-706 (1992)
12EEBelden Menkus: How to begin dealing with computer security. Computers & Security 10(3): 199-203 (1991)
11EEBelden Menkus: "Control" is fundamental to successful information security. Computers & Security 10(4): 293-297 (1991)
10EEBelden Menkus: "Hackers": Know the adversary. Computers & Security 10(5): 405-409 (1991)
9EEBelden Menkus: How an "audit trail" aids in maintaining information integrity...as illustrated in retailing. Computers & Security 9(2): 111-116 (1990)
8EEBelden Menkus: Understanding data communication security vulnerabilities. Computers & Security 9(3): 209-213 (1990)
7EEBelden Menkus: Why data communications are insecure. Computers & Security 9(6): 483-487 (1990)
6EEBelden Menkus: The complexity of "long haul" data communication security. Computers & Security 9(7): 587-592 (1990)
5EEBelden Menkus: The computer virus situation is not encouraging. Computers & Security 8(2): 115-119 (1989)
4EEBelden Menkus: Physical security: Selecting an access control system. Computers & Security 8(3): 201-205 (1989)
3EEBelden Menkus: It's time to rethink data processing fire protection. Computers & Security 8(5): 389-394 (1989)
2EEBelden Menkus: The employee's role in protecting information assets. Computers & Security 8(6): 487-492 (1989)
1EEBelden Menkus: Computer-related fire problems revisited. Computers & Security 8(7): 581-586 (1989)

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