
Fanwei Meng

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14EEHongxia Zhang, Fanwei Meng: Integral inequalities in two independent variables for retarded Volterra equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation 199(1): 90-98 (2008)
13EEYan Huang, Fanwei Meng: Oscillation of second-order nonlinear ODE with damping. Applied Mathematics and Computation 199(2): 644-652 (2008)
12EEHaidong Liu, Fanwei Meng: Interval oscillation criteria for matrix differential systems with damping. Applied Mathematics and Computation 201(1-2): 305-312 (2008)
11EEHongxia Zhang, Fanwei Meng: On certain integral inequalities in two independent variables for retarded equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation 203(2): 608-616 (2008)
10EEJunhua Zhao, Fanwei Meng: Oscillation criteria for second-order neutral equations with distributed deviating argument. Applied Mathematics and Computation 206(1): 485-493 (2008)
9EEJizhong Wang, Fanwei Meng, Sanyang Liu: Integral average method for oscillation of second order partial differential equations with delays. Applied Mathematics and Computation 187(2): 815-823 (2007)
8EEFanwei Meng, Cuiqin Ma: Oscillation results for linear second order matrix differential systems with damping. Applied Mathematics and Computation 187(2): 844-855 (2007)
7EERun Xu, Fanwei Meng: New Kamenev-type oscillation criteria for second order neutral nonlinear differential equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation 188(2): 1364-1370 (2007)
6EEFang Lu, Fanwei Meng: Oscillation theorems for superlinear second-order damped differential equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation 189(1): 796-804 (2007)
5EEFanwei Meng, Run Xu: Oscillation criteria for certain even order quasi-linear neutral differential equations with deviating arguments. Applied Mathematics and Computation 190(1): 458-464 (2007)
4EEFanwei Meng, Run Xu: Kamenev-type oscillation criteria for even order neutral differential equations with deviating arguments. Applied Mathematics and Computation 190(2): 1402-1408 (2007)
3EERun Xu, Fanwei Meng: Oscillation criteria for second order quasi-linear neutral delay differential equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation 192(1): 216-222 (2007)
2EERun Xu, Fanwei Meng: Some new oscillation criteria for second order quasi-linear neutral delay differential equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation 182(1): 797-803 (2006)
1EEXueqin Zhao, Fanwei Meng: Oscillation of second-order nonlinear ODE with damping. Applied Mathematics and Computation 182(2): 1861-1871 (2006)

Coauthor Index

1Yan Huang [13]
2Haidong Liu [12]
3Sanyang Liu [9]
4Fang Lu [6]
5Cuiqin Ma [8]
6Jizhong Wang [9]
7Run Xu [2] [3] [4] [5] [7]
8Hongxia Zhang [11] [14]
9Junhua Zhao [10]
10Xueqin Zhao [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)