
Sonia Mendoza

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10EEKimberly García, Sonia Mendoza, Gustavo Olague, Dominique Decouchant, José Rodriguez: Shared Resource Availability within Ubiquitous Collaboration Environments. CRIWG 2008: 25-40
9EEDominique Decouchant, Sonia Mendoza, José Rodriguez: A Realistic and Efficient Distributed Infrastructure for Nomadic Web Cooperative Work. ENC 2008: 151-162
8EEJosé Rodriguez, Dominique Decouchant, Sonia Mendoza, Christian Mejía Escobar: Java-Based Framework for Implementing Soft Real-Time Distributed Applications. ENC 2008: 163-168
7EESonia Mendoza, Dominique Decouchant, Alberto L. Morán, Ana María Martínez Enríquez, Jesús Favela: Adaptive Distribution Support for Co-authored Documents on the Web. CRIWG 2005: 33-48
6EESonia Mendoza, Dominique Decouchant, Alberto L. Morán, Ana María Martínez Enríquez, Jesús Favela: A Flexible Distribution Service for a Co-authoring Environment on the Web. ENC 2005: 10-17
5EESonia Mendoza, Dominique Decouchant, Ana María Martínez Enríquez, Alberto L. Morán: Adaptive Resource Management in the PIÑAS Web Cooperative Environment. AWIC 2004: 33-43
4EESonia Mendoza, Alberto L. Morán, Dominique Decouchant, Ana María Martínez Enríquez, Jesús Favela: Access Control-Based Distribution of Shared Documents. OTM Workshops 2004: 12-13
3EEAlberto L. Morán, Dominique Decouchant, Jesús Favela, Ana María Martínez Enríquez, Beatriz González Beltrán, Sonia Mendoza: PIÑAS: Supporting a Community of Co-authors on the Web. DCW 2002: 113-124
2EEDominique Decouchant, Ana María Martínez Enríquez, Jesús Favela, Alberto L. Morán, Sonia Mendoza, Samir Jafar: A Distributed Event Service for Adaptive Group Awareness. MICAI 2002: 506-515
1EESonia Mendoza, Manuel Romero Salcedo, Hanna Oktaba: Group Awareness Support in Collaborative Writing Systems. CRIWG 2000: 112-118

Coauthor Index

1Beatriz González Beltrán [3]
2Dominique Decouchant [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
3Ana María Martínez Enríquez [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
4Christian Mejía Escobar [8]
5Jesús Favela [2] [3] [4] [6] [7]
6Kimberly García [10]
7Samir Jafar [2]
8Alberto L. Morán [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
9Hanna Oktaba [1]
10Gustavo Olague [10]
11José Rodriguez [8] [9] [10]
12Manuel Romero Salcedo [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)