
Manor Mendel

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36EEManor Mendel, Assaf Naor: Markov convexity and local rigidity of distorted metrics. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2008: 49-58
35EEManor Mendel: Metrical Task Systems. Encyclopedia of Algorithms 2008
34EEManor Mendel, Chaya Schwob: C-K-R Partitions of Sparse Graphs CoRR abs/0809.1902: (2008)
33EEManor Mendel, Assaf Naor: Maximum Gradient Embeddings and Monotone Clustering. APPROX-RANDOM 2007: 242-256
32EEManor Mendel, Assaf Naor: Ramsey partitions and proximity data structures. FOCS 2006: 109-118
31EEManor Mendel, Assaf Naor: Metric cotype. SODA 2006: 79-88
30EEAmos Fiat, Manor Mendel: Truly Online Paging with Locality of Reference CoRR abs/cs/0601127: (2006)
29EEManor Mendel, Assaf Naor: Maximum gradient embeddings and monotone clustering CoRR abs/cs/0606109: (2006)
28EEYair Bartal, Béla Bollobás, Manor Mendel: Ramsey-type theorems for metric spaces with applications to online problems. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 72(5): 890-921 (2006)
27EESariel Har-Peled, Manor Mendel: Fast Construction of Nets in Low-Dimensional Metrics and Their Applications. SIAM J. Comput. 35(5): 1148-1184 (2006)
26EESariel Har-Peled, Manor Mendel: Fast construction of nets in low dimensional metrics, and their applications. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2005: 150-158
25EEManor Mendel, Assaf Naor: Ramsey partitions and proximity data structures CoRR abs/cs/0511084: (2005)
24EEYair Bartal, Nathan Linial, Manor Mendel, Assaf Naor: Some Low Distortion Metric Ramsey Problems. Discrete & Computational Geometry 33(1): 27-41 (2005)
23EEJames R. Lee, Manor Mendel, Assaf Naor: Metric structures in L1: dimension, snowflakes, and average distortion. Eur. J. Comb. 26(8): 1180-1190 (2005)
22EEYair Bartal, Manor Mendel: Randomized k-server algorithms for growth-rate bounded graphs. J. Algorithms 55(2): 192-202 (2005)
21EERobert Krauthgamer, James R. Lee, Manor Mendel, Assaf Naor: Measured Descent: A New Embedding Method for Finite Metrics. FOCS 2004: 434-443
20EEJames R. Lee, Manor Mendel, Assaf Naor: Metric Structures in L1: Dimension, Snowflakes, and Average Distortion. LATIN 2004: 401-412
19EEYair Bartal, Manor Mendel: Dimension reduction for ultrametrics. SODA 2004: 664-665
18EEYair Bartal, Manor Mendel: Randomized k-server algorithms for growth-rate bounded graphs. SODA 2004: 666-671
17EERobert Krauthgamer, James R. Lee, Manor Mendel, Assaf Naor: Measured descent: A new embedding method for finite metrics CoRR abs/cs/0412008: (2004)
16EEYair Bartal, Béla Bollobás, Manor Mendel: Ramsey-type theorems for metric spaces with applications to online problems CoRR cs.DS/0406028: (2004)
15EEYair Bartal, Manor Mendel: Randomized k-server algorithms for growth-rate bounded graphs CoRR cs.DS/0406033: (2004)
14EEAmos Fiat, Manor Mendel: Better algorithms for unfair metrical task systems and applications CoRR cs.DS/0406034: (2004)
13EEManor Mendel, Steven S. Seiden: Online Companion Caching CoRR cs.DS/0406036: (2004)
12EEYair Bartal, Manor Mendel: Multi-Embedding of Metric Spaces CoRR cs.DS/0408003: (2004)
11EESariel Har-Peled, Manor Mendel: Fast Construction of Nets in Low Dimensional Metrics, and Their Applications CoRR cs.DS/0409057: (2004)
10EEYair Bartal, Nathan Linial, Manor Mendel, Assaf Naor: Low dimensional embeddings of ultrametrics. Eur. J. Comb. 25(1): 87-92 (2004)
9EEYair Bartal, Manor Mendel: Multiembedding of Metric Spaces. SIAM J. Comput. 34(1): 248-259 (2004)
8EEManor Mendel, Steven S. Seiden: Online companion caching. Theor. Comput. Sci. 324(2-3): 183-200 (2004)
7EEYair Bartal, Manor Mendel: Multi-embedding and path approximation of metric spaces. SODA 2003: 424-433
6EEYair Bartal, Nathan Linial, Manor Mendel, Assaf Naor: On metric ramsey-type phenomena. STOC 2003: 463-472
5EEAmos Fiat, Manor Mendel: Better Algorithms for Unfair Metrical Task Systems and Applications. SIAM J. Comput. 32(6): 1403-1422 (2003)
4EEAmos Fiat, Manor Mendel, Steven S. Seiden: Online Companion Caching. ESA 2002: 499-511
3 Yair Bartal, Béla Bollobás, Manor Mendel: A Ramsy-type Theorem for Metric Spaces and its Applications for Metrical Task Systems and Related Problems. FOCS 2001: 396-405
2EEAmos Fiat, Manor Mendel: Better algorithms for unfair metrical task systems and applications. STOC 2000: 725-734
1EEAmos Fiat, Manor Mendel: Truly Online Paging with Locality of Reference. FOCS 1997: 326-335

Coauthor Index

1Yair Bartal [3] [6] [7] [9] [10] [12] [15] [16] [18] [19] [22] [24] [28]
2Béla Bollobás [3] [16] [28]
3Amos Fiat [1] [2] [4] [5] [14] [30]
4Sariel Har-Peled [11] [26] [27]
5Robert Krauthgamer [17] [21]
6James R. Lee [17] [20] [21] [23]
7Nathan Linial (Nati Linial) [6] [10] [24]
8Assaf Naor [6] [10] [17] [20] [21] [23] [24] [25] [29] [31] [32] [33] [36]
9Chaya Schwob [34]
10Steven S. Seiden [4] [8] [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)