
Scott Melvin

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3EEScott Melvin, Mohan Baro, Majed Jandali, Jacek Ilow: Improved Compensation of HPA Nonlinearities Using Digital Predistorters with Dynamic and Multi-dimensional LUTs. CNSR 2008: 46-52
2EEScott Melvin, Manmeet S. Goldy, Jacek Ilow: Antenna Load Mismatch Effects in EER-Based Transmitters for Digital Audio Broadcasting. CNSR 2007: 41-46
1EECraig Jamieson, Scott Melvin, Jacek Ilow: Rapid Prototyping Hardware Platforms for the Development and Testing of OFDM Based Communication Systems. CNSR 2005: 57-62

Coauthor Index

1Mohan Baro [3]
2Manmeet S. Goldy [2]
3Jacek Ilow [1] [2] [3]
4Craig Jamieson [1]
5Majed Jandali [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)