
Kamal E. Melkemi

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4EESihem Slatnia, Mohamed Batouche, Kamal E. Melkemi: Evolutionary Cellular Automata Based-Approach for Edge Detection. WILF 2007: 404-411
3EEKamal E. Melkemi, Mohamed Batouche, Sebti Foufou: A Multiresolution Approach Based on MRF and Bak-Sneppen Models for Image Segmentation. Informatica, Lith. Acad. Sci. 17(2): 225-236 (2006)
2EEKamal E. Melkemi, Mohamed Batouche, Sebti Foufou: A multiagent system approach for image segmentation using genetic algorithms and extremal optimization heuristics. Pattern Recognition Letters 27(11): 1230-1238 (2006)
1EEKamal E. Melkemi, Mohamed Batouche, Sebti Foufou: MRF Model-Based Approach for Image Segmentation Using a Chaotic MultiAgent System. WILF 2005: 344-353

Coauthor Index

1Mohamed Batouche [1] [2] [3] [4]
2Sebti Foufou [1] [2] [3]
3Sihem Slatnia [4]

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